
VRFaceChecker- See Your Face Expressions Without A Mirror!

Join the Discord! : https://discord.gg/24W435s 2.0 UPDATE - Added Cutout Transparency option. VRFaceChecker can also be used with MoonGestureHUD! Useful for checking your hand gestures! https://github.com/moonvrc/MoonGestureHUD Check out what is being made with VRFaceChecker! Personal Mirror Drop (PMD) by Juzo_VR https://juzovr.gumroad.com/l/PMD See Your Face Expressions Without A Mirror! Useful for knowing if you are doing the right face expression during interactions! Especially helpful for people with face tracking as well! To setup: Locate the prefab at Rollthered>FaceChecker>Prefab. Drop it into your avatar. Position the prefab root where it shows your avatars face in the camera. Position the quad display as needed. Set the parent constraint to your head bone. Done! You may bundle this asset with your own sales, as long as you credit "VR Face Check system by Rollthered: https://rollthered.booth.pm/items/3918977" in your upload. VRFaceChecker by Rollthered is licensed under Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ You may also toggle the prefab by animating the "Toggle" object with an IsLocal Parameter as well as remove the optional frame texture in the material if you like! Documentation on IsLocal can be found here: https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/animator-parameters Preview: https://twitter.com/RolltheredDev/status/1533627542330085376

VRFaceChecker- See Your Face Expressions Without A Mirror!
VRFaceChecker- See Your Face Expressions Without A Mirror!
Join the Discord! : https://discord.gg/24W435s 2.0 UPDATE - Added Cutout Transparency option. VRFaceChecker can also be used with MoonGestureHUD! Useful for checking your hand gestures! https://github.com/moonvrc/MoonGestureHUD Check out what is being made with VRFaceChecker! Personal Mirror Drop (PMD) by Juzo_VR https://juzovr.gumroad.com/l/PMD See Your Face Expressions Without A Mirror! Useful for knowing if you are doing the right face expression during interactions! Especially helpful for people with face tracking as well! To setup: Locate the prefab at Rollthered>FaceChecker>Prefab. Drop it into your avatar. Position the prefab root where it shows your avatars face in the camera. Position the quad display as needed. Set the parent constraint to your head bone. Done! You may bundle this asset with your own sales, as long as you credit "VR Face Check system by Rollthered: https://rollthered.booth.pm/items/3918977" in your upload. VRFaceChecker by Rollthered is licensed under Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ You may also toggle the prefab by animating the "Toggle" object with an IsLocal Parameter as well as remove the optional frame texture in the material if you like! Documentation on IsLocal can be found here: https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/animator-parameters Preview: https://twitter.com/RolltheredDev/status/1533627542330085376